Living in harmony with the nature ...reawakening of true spirituality... discovering the power of healing... increasing inner peace and serenity...
Emotional Healing


Suppressed and Unexpressed emotions get stuck in the cells and lead to diseases.

People don’t heal because they fail to address emotions first.

The more suppressed emotions the more dense the body becomes.

Pain in the body is telling us that there are some issues that need healing.

Pain is the way body talks to you letting you know something is not right and needs to be changed.

Emotional trauma can keep us in circles of pain, suffering and confusion.  Once the emotional trauma has been understood and healed the new being is being birthed to develop a new healthy life.

Sometimes an emotional problem is caused by a blockage in one or more of the chakras or because of toxic energy in the energy field (aura).

The energy has to flow freely, so the aura needs to be cleared from debris and toxins and chakras need to be balanced.

The work on emotional problem is done by replacing the destructive programming in ones subconscious or conscious level with high quality thoughts and feelings.

Emotional healing works for all kind of trauma coming from past lives or childhood, for addictions, stress, obsessions, depression, negative thoughts, anxiety, hatred, low self esteem.

The one who receives the emotional healing needs to agree which destructive programming will be replaced with high quality thoughts in order to regain his/her balance at emotional level.


The energy receiver has to accept this healing energy from the Source in order to get healed.
If the energy is not accepted it will travel somewhere else in the Universe, it is never wasted.
The energy is never harmful as long as LOVE is involved.

Love does miracles!

Emotional Healing

$197 Pay with Paypal

Limited spaces are available weekly.
Book early for best times.
In order for the sesssion to be confirmed, payment needs to be posted
48 hours prior to your session weekends and holidays excluded

Read the Guidelines


Reading Articles:

Grounding into the New Earth, the V thing, Ascension and Emotional Body

Mercury Retrograde, Grounding and Emotional Healing


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