Capricorn you are ambitious and determined. ~ Make sure you let loose, have fun and believe in yourself.

Orgone Pendant

~ determination, will power, desire to succeed, leadership ability ~


Capricorn Orgone Pendant activates the energy of Capricorn
(21 Dec – 20 January)

The pendant is designed to help Capricorn discover their true self and assist them on their life mission.

Capricorn brings the Solstice and the winter in north hemisphere.

Capricorn people are loyal, ambitious and responsible.
They make great leaders as they are efficient and examine all sides of a situation.

No matter how long it takes they succeed: this is how ambitious and determined they are.

As they can get very serious about business they need to loosen up and have fun. They actually can have a great sense of humor.

They need to work on their domineering aspect as they can be bossy at times and disregard others feelings or emotions.

Opposite sign of the zodiac is Cancer.

Sometimes the Capricorn can be insecure about their abilities and they need to learn to believe in themselves and be optimistic.

Capricorn Orgone Pendant works in subtle way to help Capricorn reach Spiritual growth, open their heart and align heart to mind so they can achieve mastery in life.



The informational energy received in creating this Amulet for Capricorn is Special.

Capricorn Orgone Pendant is designed to protect the Capricorn from
negative emotions, bring good luck, boost his lovely traits and his energy.

So here is what I've designed with LOVE for my Capricorn friends:

I have added in the resin/metal mixture (orgone/orgonite) strong charged water collected from sacred places of power I have travelled.
The water keeps pendant's frequencies alive and happy.

I have also added essential oils to further boost the strength of the pendant:

Frankincense - one of the most sacred oils that helps Capricorn
get in touch with their divine nature and sacredness
Sandalwood essential oil which helps Capricorn to remain calm and strengthen his body and energy field.
It also helps him to connect with higher dimensions and keep him protected.

There are also a few drops of a special gem elixir added in the orgonite matrix of the pendant that
I made during a powerful cosmic event to enhance the power of the pendant.

Metaphysical description:

*Garnet brings vitality and confidence to Capricorn and makes them more focused,
more present, in the Now and more determined.
It helps remove any fears or panic and brings grounding.
It will also bring strength and confidence.

* Red Jasper helps Capricorn have faith and trust that future will bring goodness in life.

* Rose Quartz opens his heart chakra reminding him about strong values and responsibility.

* Smokey Quartz grounds, protects, removes negative thoughts and brings healing,
detoxing and transformation.

* Labradorite lightens up his Spirit and keeps his aura luminous.

* Pietersite helps him clean or remove any detrimental belief systems.

* Ruby brings prosperity, success and wealth to Capricorn.
It also boosts his passion, motivation and drive to succeed.

* Sunstone helps transmute any negative thoughts to positive optimistic vibes.

* Citrine helps Capricorn ground his energies, strengthen his aura, achieve peace,
confidence, and attract prosperity and success.

* Obsidian keeps Capricorn protected from any negativity, avoid problems and achieve stability and balance.

* Carnelian will keep Capricorn motivated, determined and boosts his passion.
It will make Capricorn smile, be positive, optimistic and bring them courage.

* Malachite offers psychic protection and increases his intuition and creativity.

* Shungite for purification and protection against EMF's

The entire combo of stones, orgonite matrix, charged water, good vibes and prayers work in synergy
and make the pendant vibrate high to assist Capricorn in achieving his divine mission.

Suggestion:(although not necessary)
Place your pendant over your third eye chakra (between eyebrows) and/or your heart chakra (middle of chest)
and circle it with the middle and pointing fingers while breathing calmly.

Wear it around your neck and when you put it on think about your higher purpose
and seeing the world through the eyes of beauty, eyes of an AWAKENED human being.

Affirmation: "I am divinely connected to the energy of my pendant. My pendant brings me many blessings."

Check Out Other Zodiacal Signs

Capricorn Orgone Pendant 


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And because Capricorn needs to learn to believe in themselves
we are suggesting a meditation download "Love Yourself Simply Because You Exist"

Capricorn you are ambitious and determined. ~ Make sure you let loose, have fun and believe in yourself.


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