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Psychic Abilities helps find missing hiker

The last New moon transmission started with the intention and message channeled for all of us:
Walk your path with integrity, courage, confidence, respect for yourself and others”.

Then I was guided to do an “ego releasing” meditation technique I was given in the previous moon transmission and let me tell you, shadows of ego in all of us released gently like layers of onions…
It was such a sweet energy session!! I cannot tell how much I enjoy these moon blessings, I am so grateful for the moon energies and elements that shower amazing spiritual and psychic awareness on us!!!

Courage: well it was Leo New Moon. At some point in the session a tiger appeared first, then a lion and then a dragon: the triangle of power that channels the warrior spirit.

Dragon: one of the most fascinating and mysterious of all the creatures and tremendous source of powers:  transformation, loyalty, wisdom, healing, mystical spiritual powers.

Lion: symbol of strength, courage, energy, deep relaxation, royalty, radiant powers

Tiger: will, strength, power, ability to focus, living in the present moment, courage

A day before this transmission I attended a VERY challenging hike with a few friends.  Let me tell you why challenging: it was a very long hike, about 22 miles, with elevation gain about 7000 feet, conquering 4 peaks in just one day, the highest peak being Charleston Peak (11,918 ft ). We started at 6:00 am and finished the hike at 9pm.  Crazy? Yes you could say that. But what's your purpose in life if you do not challenge yourself?

I have done the same hike last year; however this year was much more challenging as we were hiking in the thunderstorm under lightning and thunder. To be in the middle of the storm and on top of the mountain is scary!!!  I kept praying and repeating Ganesh mantra – “the remover of all obstacles mantra – Om Gum Ganapataye namaha” continuously and every time we would reach a peak (where the chances of lightning are much stronger due to us becoming the tallest point) we were safe.  I have asked myself: are we stupid, are we courageous, what are we?
I have learned from this powerful experience: courage, and always trust the higher source of power.

During the hike we have encountered many birds including humming birds (symbol of joy and happiness, superpowers to heal, associated with the heart center) and a lot of deer (symbol of Love, gentleness, compassion).

I work with power animals (totems) and whenever I need guidance I encounter an animal in either real life or in a trance state like meditation or dream.  

Psychometry and the missing hiker

After we have conquered the third peak (Charleston Peak) we got back on the trail to conquer our last peak.  On the trail we saw a backpack that looked like it was abandoned. It was left open on the trail. I have started yelling and yelling: “Hello!!! Is there anybody out there?”  (remember Pink Floyd’s song?)  No answer whatsoever. We kept yelling: still no one answering. We searched the backpack and we have found a driver license of this strange hiker who was a young woman. Why strange? We were 5 of us and all of us concluded intuitively it was a very strange situation; no hiker would leave their backpack and just vanish.  From this trail you can see far away, so there was no one as far as we could see.

We  took GPS coordinates, pictures and all info that we could in order to report the missing hiker to the search and rescue team.  Constantin called search and rescue and reported the missing hiker and we were told someone will call us in the morning.   

That night when I got home I did some psychic work using psycometry mostly. As I was looking at the woman’s picture I immediately got she was alive, I even saw her animal power being a predatory bird like a hawk/eagle and there was no way she would give up her life.  Then I searched her with my intuition and psychic vision and saw her scared by thunder and lightning, grabbing her (phone) that’s why her backpack was left opened and run downhill to seek shelter in the canyon.  I saw her shaking, I saw her cold but nevertheless she was alive. I sent her some healing energy and I went to bed, knowing she was safe. Next morning the search and rescue called and my husband reported all the information I have gathered in my psychic session that night.  
They sent a helicopter around the canyon and they have found her safe and sound in the Canyon.
Our team work was successful.

The senses that I have used here are:

Psychometry- (the ability to read objects' history in regard to people or events) in this case her picture and touching her objects I knew she was alive.
Clairvoyance, I saw her psychically when she reached in desperation for her phone that turned out to be her walkie talkie, the intuition (very deep knowing) that allowed me to “know” she was safe and sound protected in the canyon. And I have also used the power of spirit animals that through other psychic senses allowed me to acknowledge her powers. I mean she is a very powerful woman to have survived a cold night by herself in the canyon’s darkness facing thunders and lightning. 

Psychic abilities are real, this is just an example how helpful and powerful they can be. We are all psychic!!  At the same time we are all unique. We are all different in regards to our psychic senses. People know how to ask questions but they don’t know how to answer. Learning to tap into psychic reception area can be amazingly helpful in any creative thinking and become your own counselor.  For most of the people psychic abilities are dormant due to believe systems and mind conditioning.  That’s when tools come in handy. There are so many ways to develop psychic powers, however you have to do the work, no one will do it for you.

I use tools: Orgone has helped me along the years to speed up and increase what was dormant in me. It has the ability to carry the high vibrational energy to higher spirits and create an awesome connection between you and your guides…

What do you want in life? What is your challenge? Who are you? Why are you here?
I know for sure that you have a gift to share and that gift should be explored, cared for, and nurture. Just trust your inner powers. Trust your lion, your tiger and your dragons or your animal spirit.

Pictures from our 4 peaks in one day hike: here

The next Full Moon – August 13, 2011 will be sending the moon transmission from the wilderness of Brackendale "bald eagle's home in British Columbia (Canada) We’ll be traveling to a remote area where we’ll be unplugged from the matrix on and off for about 2 weeks.   The transmission I can feel it right now will be RAW ORGANIC POWER!!! Tune into it at 9:30 pm PST and let the energies that showered us on  the last New Moon manifest flow into your heart desires…

Moon transmissions

“Thank you so much Lilly. I love the transmissions and feel their love and changing power every time. you are the best!!! -) ~ Mel”

“Thanking Lilly for an AMAZING, POWERFUL and INTENSE new moon transmission this morning. This one fell right smack in my leo moon.. so I felt it deeply!~ G R”

Full Moon blessings,

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