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Intense Times: - Go into The void to find peace"

This is the result of one of the Moon Transmissions sent out. This one was powerful as it also happened to be an eclipse.

The energies were INTENSE.

People who were tuned into the moon transmission’s energies got a set of new spiritual gifts. We felt our bodies shaking the stagnat residual energies while absorbing the new gifts.

During the Moon transmission we experienced a powerful point of stillness which I like to call
the Void” where everything in the universe stood still.

My first void I experienced was when I was about 5 years old.
I remember one day I was playing and my mind drifted away until I landed into the vast ocean of nothingness.
That’s the first time I remember experiencing complete stillness.
I was not aware of my body, I was just one with what is.
I was going into these trance states until something would interrupt me from floating and with the void: like my mother calling me for dinner and such.

As a kid I have never questioned it, all I remember is that I enjoyed it fully being fascinated by it, feeling absolute freedom and very light.

The void can be intimidating for the first time we experience it, because we are programmed with mental chatter and it is very hard to witness the vastness of nothingness. Be an observer of nothingness an surrender to it, without being afraid. You are not dying, you are transforming: you grow, expand, evolve.

But if you are lucky enough to reach that point of zero balance, great opportunities come your way, powerful manifesting and personal powers, opening your heart and mind to new levels of pure awareness.

The void can be experienced during meditation when you can let go of the mental chatter.

Whatever you do, don’t panic, you have been upgraded beautifully to new levels.
Many people would love to find stillness of the mind, as it's one of the hardest things to accomplish in this crazy world.
Take it easy and breath deeply.

The void will help you unwind emotional thoughts, negative patterns, allowing for abundance, healing and beauty.

If you experienced the void You must be sensitive as not many people can feel it.
That is an amazing gift you have, harness the power of it with positive emotions and thinking.

Keep this energy in (for yourself) for a week or two until the energies that you have been upgraded to settle and ground into your energy centers and then you can share your experiences with others.
You probably have the ability to make a difference in others people’s lives in the near future.

If you haven't experinced the void yet, you need to calm your thoughts by meditating. It seems as you are close to experience it.

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How to float with the void, how to be one with the VOID...

Please understand: it is not intended as an escapism method, it is intended to find peace within.

It takes a few minutes of meditation.
I have quite a few guided meditations to chose from and I designed them to act upon subconscious mind for the greatest good for all.
You can find them here: Meditations

It actually requires dedication to seat in meditation, training your mind to find peace. Expect no magic silver bullet.

We came into this world to experiment and grow. So if you want peace, meditate!!!
The void will come, and when it comes it's total bliss.

The anxiety disappears, the madness goes away, and life starts to actually make sense.
Add a prayer/intention before starting meditating and then let it go.

What I usually suggest to people I work with is to just stay with what comes to mind and observe the thoughts.
When thoughts start taking over, tell yourself:
"This is the time for myself, I choose to let go now. I will deal with the thoughts (whatever thoughts come) later after I finish this meditation".

So what happens the mind will understand that you will go back to your thoughts (supportive or unsupportive) later.
You will notice after the meditation is over if your thoughts were unsupportive you will disregard them,
even laugh at them, because meditation helps you get rid of fake imagined thoughts that will probably never happen in reality.
When everything is peace you will feel, see, be part of the void.

To help you get there, imagine complete darkness and try to open your eyes in the total darkness or empty space,
observe the darkness and stay with it, breath into it.
Just be there, don't try to reconstruct the darkness, just let it happen with you being part of it.

And when that happens, you will know your essence, I promise you will feel GOOD!!!

During the last moon transmission three centers were awakened after we have gone through a complete process of emotional cleansing including pain and suffering cleansing that was done this time in a complete different way, more balanced I should say.

The three centers that were awakened were the crown chakra, heart chakra and the root chakra (base of the spine).

There was a vortex awakening energy from the ground spiraling and cleansing all the way
through the crown and then from above the same way all the way down into the earth.

It usually starts from above and go deep into the ground, this time started from the earth opening into the
universe then from above like a spiral of energy going deep into the earth. Very intense energy and clear visual.


Insight received during June Full Moon transmission:

"The power of life resides in the power of the mind, power of the heart, power of your roots"

"Use your inborn gift of laughter more and more every day"

"Angels are with you always"

~ Namaste,
Lilly Natures Blessings

I am available for healing sessions and spiritual counseling.
Here is more information about my services


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Manifestation Peace Pendant

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