Living in harmony with the nature ...reawakening of true spirituality... discovering the power of healing... increasing inner peace and serenity...
Spiritual Intuitive Counseling


"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." Teilhard de Chardin

Spiritual intuitive counseling is spiritual healing. It helps your spirit heal which is the most important healing. It helps you take a quantum leap, accelerate your spiritual growth, live life with more joy and harmony.

Everyone can benefit from spiritual counseling regardless of religious, believes orientation. The energy is accessible to all. If you would like a session please contact us mentioning what is your spiritual orientation so we can design the session accordingly.



Spiritual Intuitive Counseling involves

* before the session Lilly asks her spiritual guides what is best approach for your highest good

* a breathing technique to access high vibrations and relax your mind that you can do it after everytime you are faced with a challenge

* a quick chakra clearing and balancing
, plus subtle bodies scan and necessary clearing

* receive transformational tools to help: raise your vibrations, access the energy of universal wisdom, developing and understanding a deeper part of yourself, gaining new insight and power, o
pen your heart, know yourself in new more loving ways, lift veils of illusion, see truth

* a transformational meditation that changes the energy at DNA level of your being and learn to listen from a place of stillness in order to get answers.


Limited spaces are available weekly. Book early for best times.

In order for the sesssion to be confirmed, payment needs to be posted 48 hours prior to your session weekends and holidays excluded



Check our collection of Spiritual Positive Tools For Awakening and powerful tools of grounding


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Disclaimer:The information and products contained on this website are for research purposes only and should not be construed as medical recommendations for any disease or symptom. It is not intended to provide medical advice. We do not diagnose, treat or cure medical conditions. Consult the appropriate healthcare professionals on any matter relating to your health and well-being.
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